Twitter, the social-networking tool that's become the drug of choice among the chattering class, was officially pronounced 'uncool' today, following an incident where Adriel Hampton became the first politician running for national office to twitter his official notice of candidacy. "I've seen this coming for a long time," said Henry Flagston, a once avid user of the technology who now says that he's ready to hang up his thumbs. "The cable news shows where they ask you to twitter them your comments, like what's that about? It's like you're being rated or something, somebody's got to pick you... And I've got to say, I saw this video a couple weeks ago, it's got, like, John McCain, and he's at some Senate hearing or something and he's got the Blackberry pulled out, all hunched over and he's just twittering away... and I tell you, it kind of made me feel a little bit dirty somehow, and... I thought about giving it up then but this Hampton guy, I don't know, forget about it. This is uncool." |
Say Her Name: Breonna Taylor
Rest in power. You changed the world, Breonna Taylor.
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