Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hi, I'm Neil Cavuto and I have no

Is Neil Cavuto the very last clown to climb inside of Limbaugh's funny car? He must be, since I see a steady stream of painted faces now exiting through the other door. Cavuto's latest, uh, commentary manages to use the name Rush 20 times in the span of 341 words.

Rush Limbaugh to New York: "Drop dead. I'm leaving." New York to Rush: "Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out." And with that, New York Governor David Paterson laughed off a millionaire packing up and heading out. Paterson even found it funny.

"If I knew that would be the result," he said of Rush's leaving, "I would've thought about the taxes earlier." Everyone laughed. Why?

Why? Golly, Neil, one could make the case that Patterson's remark was actually pretty funny. Although he certainly could have punched it up by adding 'don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you'.

Because this isn't about a broadcaster named Rush, but a tax hiking rage for which politicians seem in such a rush. The governor is free to laugh off Rush bolting from a fancy Fifth Avenue penthouse condominium. Clearly, the gov's not a fan of Rush. But I suspect he is a fan of Rush's money. He's going to need it. And now he won't have it. And if other rich guys join Rush, guys like Donald Trump....he won't have a lot of it, or them.

Because nobody, no matter how wealthy they might be, would want to live in one of the most vibrant and connected cities in the world if they're just going to be disrespected with higher taxes.

Then what will become of the governor's millionaire tax for which $300,000 is enough to qualify? If you can't stick it to the rich who are bolting, how much lower on the financial food chain are you going to have to be moving? Because you better move fast, governor. I suspect what happened with Rush won't stay with Rush. But the governor chooses not to pick a fight with Donald, just Rush. Even though others will be wandering, who have nowhere near the money of Rush.

I foresee a massive exodus out of New York City of poor and disaffected people who feel so darn sorry for Rush that they no longer have the heart to stay.

But Governor Paterson, you don't see that. You see Rush. And you want the always compliant media to see Rush. And only Rush. And then laugh at Rush. And their hatred of Rush. And their love of anything hated by Rush.

Point of order, Cavuto. If Limbaugh is standing in front of you, it's pretty hard to see anything else but Rush. Oh yeah, that part about laughing and hating - check and check.

If only they'd stop rushing to conclusions. Because this isn't about a broadcaster who could easily afford to keep a pad here but won't, but many who barely could and are wondering now if they will.

'If only they'd stop rushing to conclusions'. Wait, did Cavuto just make a little joke? Probably not, since a master funnyman like Neil would have probably capitalized the R in rushing.

If they follow Rush, it won't be funny, governor. For you and your state, it won't be funny, at all. Sad, yes. Funny, no.

Nah, Neil, I'm pretty sure it'll still be funny.

1 comment:

  1. Neil Cavuto has that certain something that reminds me of a nauseating smell I remember from childhood.
