Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Vive la différence

French lawmakers are moving towards banning full-body coverings such as the burqa worn by some Muslim women, with a vote on the bill expected to come in the next few days. President Nicolas Sarkozy has stated that particular choice of feminine couture was "not welcome in France", but the commission studying the issue has stopped short of recommending a full ban. Instead, they are proposing that the burqa be replaced by the burqini.

"The burqini, oui, that is an excellent alternative," said Sarkozy. "Vive la différence and all that, but first you have to be able to see the difference. Of course I realize that there may be many Muslim women who cannot properly fill out a burqini, but you've got to take the bad with the good, and for them I would recommend a well tailored pants suit."

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